Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Programmers outline to do list

Our project is based on liferay:

* RSS aggregation into the liferay web content.
This is to bring media RSS items into the CMS from external sites and then use the asset publisher ( to display them and create a tag-based RSS feed to the media player embed/portal.

* Customisation of Open source media player (with playlists and embedding) to create a liferay portlet.
this will allow us to display on our site aggregated video content from other websites and as an embedded media player on other sites.

* Configuration of liferay CMS including customisation of portlets
This will bring an overall TV look and feel to the liferay CMS including working with our designer with CSS and themes.

* Badges – participation rewards (automated)
Creating a set of fun, aspirational communities – device of percentage of completeness of profile like Linkedin – to encourage photos and full profiles by members.

Liferay is building a social capital engine so we need to plug into this:
5 levels –
1. Non-member viewers
2. Members
3a. Press Reporter – gained after you make 3 text reports
3b. Video Reporter / – gained after you make 3 video reports
3c. Commenter – gained after you make 3 comments
4a. Columnist – gained after 3 text reports promoted to front page, gives automated publishing to front page
4b. Producer – 3 promoted video reports (published on one of main channels)
5. Core crew

Add badges to posts for your status and on user pages.

Possible fun badges Film maker – references – radical / hippie / conspiracy theorist / ideological anarchist / culture vulture.

* Create a custom install of

* Create a custom version of

* LATER Pushing of video content out to torrent files for distributed backup. Making the whole media side of the project work P2P